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Case Study (10)- Transient thrombocytosis

Case Study (10)- Transient thrombocytosis 


A 60-year-old man was subjected to bladder stoma surgery 3 weeks ago. Postoperatively a systemic infection developed that was effectively treated with antibiotics. A blood sample was taken to monitor the patient’s status.

Laboratory Investigations: 

1. CBC: 

RBC:4.14 X 106/μL (4-5.5 X 106/μL) 

HGB: 125 g/dL (120-174 g/dL) 

HCT: 39.2 % (36-52%)
MCV: 94.6 fL (76–96 fL)
MCH: 30.2 pg (27-32 pg)
MCHC: 320 g/L (300-350 g/L) 

RDWsd:47.2 fL (20-42 fL) 

RDWcv: 16 % (0-16 %) 

WBC: 12.02 X103/ μL (5–10 X 103/ μL) 

Neutrophils: 8.87 X 103/μL (2-7.5 X 103/μL) 

Lymphocytes: 2.08 X 103/μL (1.08–3.17 X 103/μL) 

Monocytes: 0.66 X 103/μL (0.15-0.7 X 103/μL) 

Eosinophils: 0.22 X 103/μL (0-0.5 X 103/μL) 

Basophils: 0.19 X 103/μL (0-0.15 X 103/μL) 

Neutrophils %: 73.8 % (40-75 %) 

Lymphocytes %: 17.3 % (14.76-45.4 %)
Monocytes %: 5.5 % (3-7 %)
Eosinophils %: 1.8 % (0-5 %) 

Basophils %: 1.6 % (0-1.5 %) 

PLT: 726 X 103/μL (150-400 X 103/μL) 

Peripheral blood smear  

2. Other laboratory findings 

- Other routine clinical laboratory results are unremarkable.
- C- reactive protein levels are normal (3.5 mg/L (ref value: <5 mg/L). 


Transient thrombocytosis 

Disease course 

- According to his current physical and laboratory status (including a repeated complete blood count), the patient has fully recovered. 
- Thrombocytosis is considered as a coincidental finding. 

